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Invenio-Client is a Python library permitting to connect to remote Invenio digital library instances.



Invenio-Client is on PyPI so all you need is:

$ pip install invenio-client


The easiest way is to use invenio_client directly with InvenioConnector.

from invenio_client import InvenioConnector
demo = InvenioConnector("")

results ="higgs")

for record in results:
    print record["245__a"][0]
    print record["520__b"][0]
    for author in record["100__"]:
        print author["a"][0], author["u"][0]


Tool to connect to remote Invenio servers using Invenio APIs.

Example of use:

from invenio_client import InvenioConnector
demo = InvenioConnector("")

results ="higgs")

for record in results:
    print record["245__a"][0]
    print record["520__b"][0]
    for author in record["100__"]:
        print author["a"][0], author["u"][0]


  • implement cache expiration
  • exceptions handling
  • parsing of <!-- Search-Engine-Total-Number-Of-Results: N -->
  • better checking of input parameters
class invenio_client.connector.InvenioConnector(url, user='', password='', login_method='Local', insecure_login=False)

Create an connector to a server running Invenio.

get_record(recid, read_cache=True)

Return the record with given recid.

get_records_from_basket(bskid, group_basket=False, read_cache=True)

Returns the records from the (public) basket with given bskid

search(read_cache=True, ssl_verify=True, **kwparams)

Returns records corresponding to the given search query.

See docstring of invenio.legacy.search_engine.perform_request_search() for an overview of available parameters.


Return records cited by the given one.


Return the records similar to the given one.

search_with_retry(sleeptime=3.0, retrycount=3, **params)

Perform a search given a dictionary of search(...) parameters.

It accounts for server timeouts as necessary and will retry some number of times.

  • sleeptime – number of seconds to sleep between retries
  • retrycount – number of times to retry given search
  • params – search parameters

records in given format

upload_marcxml(marcxml, mode)

Upload a record to the server.

  • marcxml – the XML to upload.
  • mode – the mode to use for the upload. - “-i” insert new records - “-r” replace existing records - “-c” correct fields of records - “-a” append fields to records - “-ir” insert record or replace if it exists
exception invenio_client.connector.InvenioConnectorAuthError(value)

Failed authentication during remote connections.

exception invenio_client.connector.InvenioConnectorError(value)

General connector error.

exception invenio_client.connector.InvenioConnectorServerError(value)

Problem with connecting to Invenio server.

class invenio_client.connector.Record(recid=None, marcxml=None, server_url=None)

Represent an Invenio record.


Returns the record in chosen format


Returns the URL to this record. Returns None if not known

class invenio_client.connector.RecordsHandler(records)



Decompose a MARC “code” into tag, ind1, ind2, subcode.

CERN Document Server specific connector.

class invenio_client.contrib.cds.CDSInvenioConnector(user='', password='')


Version 0.1.0 (released 2014-12-10):

  • Invenio-Client has been originally developed within the Invenio software package. This is first standalone public release.
  • Migration from mechanize to splinter to support Python 3+.

Invenio-Client has been originally developed within the Invenio software package. Please consult Invenio release notes for prior history, or just see the git commit log that has been preserved in the standalone repository.


Bug reports, feature requests, and other contributions are welcome. If you find a demonstrable problem that is caused by the code of this library, please:

  1. Search for already reported problems.
  2. Check if the issue has been fixed or is still reproducible on the latest master branch.
  3. Create an issue with a test case.

If you create a feature branch, you can run the tests to ensure everything is operating correctly:

$ python test


======= 146 passed in 1.90 seconds ======


Invenio-Client is developed to connect to remote Invenio digital library instances.

Contact us at